
Appointment Times Appointments at 40 Valley Hill, Loughton Monday - 10am and 7pm Tuesday - 7pm Wednesday - 10am and 7pm Thursday - 10am and 7pm Friday – Closed Saturday – Closed Sunday – Closed Your first session will include an in person 15-20 minute consultation and a text reminder will be sent at least 24 hours before your treatment. Your first appointment will be confirmed by email with attached documents containing important information about contraindications, cancellations, data protection and aftercare advice. Please read this carefully and contact me prior to your treatment if you have any questions. Home visits are currently not available. To book your appointment or for further information click here Please note: Missed appointments or cancellations with less than 24 hours notice will be charged at the full rate. Male clients can only be seen if referred by an existing client. As I am often working and not always available to take your phone calls, please leave a message or voice-mail. Your calls are important to me and I will make every effort to contact you as soon as I can. Tel - 0208-508-4144 or 07572-181582. Click here for full contact and address details. Cancellations & Late Arrivals Policy My cancellation policy has been revised and updated with effect from November 2022. Due to increasing and frequent, last minute cancellations, I’ve often been unable to fill these slots. As many of you know, there is often a 2 to 4 week wait for my evening appointments and although I have a cancellation waiting list it’s still very difficult to find replacements at short notice. To keep my business viable in these financially challenging times and to avoid increasing my prices I will have to enforce charges for late cancellations and no shows. If appointments are missed or cancelled on the day or with less than 24 hours notice then you will be charged for the full cost of your missed treatment. If you have paid for a course of treatments then this will result in the loss of that treatment. In cases where there are repeated cancellations I will suggest that clients wait until they are able to commit to regular treatments before re-booking. I know there will always be emergencies and I will try to be sympathetic towards these but please just give me a call 24 hours before an appointment if you’re in any way unsure as to whether you’ll be able to attend and we can easily reschedule at no additional cost. I try to be as flexible as possible and work on the basis of mutual trust so if an emergency occurs and I need to cancel or change your appointment then I will do my utmost to contact you within the required time. If you arrive late for a booked session I will endeavour to honour the full session if time permits. If I have another commitment or booking afterwards and I have to reduce the length of your session then you will still be required to pay the full treatment cost. Whilst these policies are not nice to implement and enforce, I’ve been left with no choice if I’m to ensure the viability and survival of my small business. Thank you for your understanding. Link to full Privacy Statement
© Sarah Forsdyke Complementary Therapies 2020
Sarah Forsdyke Complementary Therapies