About Natural Lift Facial Massage / Facial RejuvenationThistherapyiscarriedoutwiththeclientlayingontheirbackonatreatmentcouchandinvolvestechniquesused ontheface,shoulders,neckandscalp.Itiscarriedoutin7stagesover45minutesandincorporatesaunique blendofhighlyeffectivetechniquesincludingIndianandJapanesefacialmassage,acupressurefortheface,facial reflexology, lymphatic drainage and beauty facial techniques.Youwillbecoveredwithatowelandablanketifrequiredwithyourshoulders,neck,upperarmsandhead exposed and I use a scented, vegan and cruelty free massage oil for the treatment.If you are short on time or money, I also offer a shorter 30 minute treatment.Ifyou’dliketocombinethistreatmentwithReikithenIcanadd15minutesofReikiontotheendofthesession. Please visit my Reiki page and prices page for full details.The Session• Tuning in and making contact to aid relaxation.•Neckandshoulderrelaxationtoencourageastateofdeeprelaxationandreleaseoftensionpriorto the facial massage.•Wholebodyandenergybalanceusingfacialreflexologyandacupressurepointstobalancetheinternal organs. Similar to an acupuncture faceliift without the insertion of needles.• Smooth and Lift to relieve muscular tension and free up any stuck connective tissues.•Stabilising.Aseriesofmovementstoencouragethefacetoabsorbandacceptthechangesencouraged on the client’s face.• Lymphatic drainage to aid the removal and dispersal of toxins from the facial tissues.• Grounding to stimulate the mind and body to a re-awakened state.Benefits• Improves saggy, puffy and grey skin.• Reduces expression lines and wrinkles.• Reduces and releases muscular tension in the face and jaw.• Improves skin suppleness.• Relieves stress symptoms such as insomnia, headaches and eye strain.• Aids removal of dead skin cells.• Maintains a fresh, youthful appearance.• Enhances physical and mental relaxation.• Retrains muscles in the face to stay lifted and firm.• Balances the energy systems of the body.• Promotes a healthy, vibrant, glowing complexion.Foroptimumresultsit’srecommendedtoinitiallyhavesixsessionsonceaweek.Tomaintainresultsit’s recommended to then have a session once a month.Link to full Privacy Statement